
逆变器RUN 逆变器上的run是什么意思

发布时间:2023-11-23 15:20:25 人气:




pv inverter functions introduction
Inverter not only has direct AC conversion but also has the fuction to maximize the solar cell perfamnce and system fault protection. Summed up have two sides as run automatically and shutdown functions、MPPT、Anti-alone run function(Grid systems)、Automatic voltage regulator function(Grid systems)、DC detection(Grid systems)、DC ground detection(Grid systems)。Here is a brief introduction to automatic operation, shut down fuction and maximun power tracking conrol.
1.Automatic operation and shutdown
Moming after sunrise, the solar radiation intensity gradually increased, the output of solar cells also incread,when the work required to achieve the inverter output power, the inverter automatically running. when into operation, the inverter will always monitor the output of solar modules, if the solar modules output power is greater than the desired output power of the inverter, the inverter is run continuously, until sunset downtime, even the rainy days, the inverter can run.When the solar module output smaller, inverter output is close to 0, the inverter will be a standby state.
2.Maximum power tracking control
The output of solar modules varies with the intensity of solar radiation and solar components of its own temperature (chip temperature).In addition, as the characteristics of solar modules with voltage increases with the current decline, so there is the best work to obtain the maximum power point.Solar radiation intensity is changing, obviously the best operating point change.Relative to these changes, and always let the operating point of the solar modules at the maximum power point, the system has always been to obtain maximum power output from the solar modules, this control is the maximum power point tracking control.The solar power system with inverter is most characteristic of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT).


最好是接直流24V负载(比如指示灯)或者直流 24V继电器。
24V(1)/gnd------------->SE(输出多功能端子公共端)在现代工业控制系统中,多采用微机或者PLC 控制技术,在系统设计或者改造过程中,一定要注意三菱变频器对微机控制板的干扰问题。三菱变频器受外界干扰来源如图1 所示,由于用户自己设计的微机控制板一般工艺水平差,不符合EMC国际标准,在采用三菱变频器后,产生的传导和辐射干扰,往往导致控制系统工作异常,因此需要采取下述必要措施。
给三菱变频器输入端加装EMI 滤波器,可以有效抑制三菱变频器对电网的传导干扰,加装输入交流和直流电抗器,可以提高功率因数,减小谐波污染,综合效果好。在某些电机与三菱变频器之间距离超过100 m 的场合,需要在三菱变频器侧添加交流输出电抗器,解决因为输出导线对地分布参数造成的漏电流保护和减少对外部的辐射干扰。一个行之有效的方法就是采用钢管穿线或者屏蔽电缆的方法,并将钢管外壳或者电缆屏蔽层与大地可靠连接。值得注意的是在不添加交流输出电抗器时,如果采用钢管穿线或者屏蔽电缆的方法,增大了输出对地的分布电容,容易出现过流。当然在实际应用中一般采取其中的一种或者几种方法。



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